Light Up The Night 2018
Friday Night- December 7th
Main Street - Almonte, Ontario
7:00 PM
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Light up the Night 2018 will be celebrated in fine style
with  host,
Charlie Kitts, in an wintry open-air
concert featuring fabulous guests and a breathtaking
display of fireworks!!

This year the town will celebrate 28 years of bringing  
thousands of people from the Mississippi Mills area
and beyond to fill the main street of Almonte for one
of the largest and most magical outdoor Christmas
shows in Canada.

It promises to be a festive and musical night in the
quaint and Christmassy town of Almonte.

The young and young at heart will gather to laugh and
sing along with Wayne and this year's guests:

Country Recording Artist
- Brea Lawrenson
Rock The Arts Christmas Puppets
Sarah Argue and Jennifer Sheffield
Ottawa Valley Country Singer -
Marleen Fawcett
Almonte Favourites
- The Bowes Brothers
Singer/songwriter - Braiden Turner
The Cedarhill Sunday School Choir
The Almonte Academy of Dance featuring
The Snow Queen and Twinkle Fairies

Santa Claus!

Children of all ages will watch in amazement as
the The Snow Queen and her Twinkle Fairies
wave their magic wands and bring the jolliest
Christmas elf of them all... SANTA CLAUS down
to the stage!

Mark your calendars for this year's show!


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