Leanne Cusack
Leanne Cusach CTV broadcaster is the only person
on their staff, and perhaps in the country, who's
experienced 9-Gs in an F16 jet, jumped out of a
Hercules in a tandem jump with the Skyhawks, swam
with sharks and ridden with the RCMP's Musical Ride!
Leanne is as comfortable in the kitchen with an
octogenarian champion bread baker as she is
backstage with stars like Harry Connick Jr.
Leanne loves people. Learning from them, and
sharing what makes them tick with our viewers. She
has a keen interest in health and wellness, nature,
loves great food, and relishes taking our viewers to
places they likely wouldn't have the chance to visit.
Leanne hails from Halifax---and often boasts the
Ottawa Valley has the same warm, "down home" feel.
She is very active in a variety local charities and is
proud to be a founding board member of the Ottawa
Senators Foundation. Light Up the Night LOVES