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Twinkle Fairies/What's New
Since the beginning of Light Up the Night, Wayne has
been joined on stage by Almonte's Twinkle Fairies.The
Twinkle Fairies have the magical duty to wave their
wands at the end of the show and make Santa appear!
And their magic never fails to work.

This year we are joined by
What's New "What's New"
began as a Sunday School Choir in the 1990's during
Advent Season, when Laurie Boon volunteered to
assume a teaching role in
the Sunday School. With no pianist, soundtrack music
was the answer! Several teachers  expressed an
interest in singing and, as a
result, more challenging music with close harmonies
was added to the  repertoire.  Thus,
"What's New"
was formed with teachers and moms joining the older
Sunday School girls in Contemporary Christian Song.
The Twinkle Fairies
What's  New
Santa on stage at the end of the show